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Glossary of Terms

In this client service charter, the following terms and expressions shall have the following meanings:

Client Service Charter

The Client Service Charter, also referred to as CSC.

Global Expansion

Global Expansion is the service provider also referred to as GX.


Refers to the client who is utilizing the PEO Services provided by GX.

Master Services Agreement

Master Services Agreement is the contractual agreement between the service provider and the client, also referred to as the MSA.

Professional Employment Overseas

The employment and management of employees on behalf of the client. Also referred to as PEO or PEO Services.



The process of onboarding a new employee and their setup as an employee in their country of work.

Sales Information Request Form

The form that the client will complete to start the onboarding process of a new employee.  It is also referred to as the SIRF.


The process of ending an employee's contract in their country of work, as confirmed by the client.

Offboarding Information Request Form

The form that the client will complete to start the offboarding process of an employee.

GX Monthly Fees

These are the monthly, quarterly, bi-annual, or annual bonus or commission payments, payable to an employee, that are not salary or fixed monthly payments.

Payment Calendar

The GX client payment calendar outlines the flow of funds, invoicing, and payment deadlines per month between GX and the client. GX will issue a new payment calendar to the client for each new calendar year.

Foreign Exchange

Also referred to as FX, this pertains to foreign currency exchange. Invoices may be issued to the client in one set currency while the employee may be paid in the currency of the working country. In this situation, a foreign exchange transaction will be involved in this process. Foreign Exchange may be part of the monthly invoice to the client. 


Refers to the country where the PEO employee is employed and working.

Local Entity

Refers to Global Expansion’s local company or local employer in-country.


Refers to the deposit required for each new PEO employee onboarded.

Service Level Agreements

Also referred to as SLAs, these are the targets set by Global Expansion and the service-level targets that we aim to provide our clients.

Escalation Management


The process of escalating a service issue to a higher level of management within GX when service levels have not been met or are forecast not to be completed.



1.1 Purpose

This Client Service Charter outlines the key contacts, processes, and minimum standards we strive to deliver for our clients. It details the service elements and target service levels to be provided by Global Expansion to the client.

1.2 Validity and Status

The CSC is intended to be a working document. It incorporates information that may be covered elsewhere in the Master Service Agreement. If there is any conflict between the CSC and the MSA, the MSA will prevail.

As a working document, this CSC will be reviewed regularly to maintain its effectiveness, and GX reserves the right to amend the document should any of the services change.

1.3 Ownership and Change

GX owns the CSC. Proposals for changes to the contents of this document by either party are subject to change control and shall be made to GX. The request shall be discussed in the Service Review meeting between GX and the client.

Subject to a mutual agreement, changes to the CSC can be made where they do not contradict the MSA.

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Employee Onboarding Process

2.1 Process

1. SIGN MSA - Once the client has signed the MSA, onboarding new employees can proceed to our Human Resources platform called GoCo based on the procedure outlined below.
2. REQUEST FOR INFORMATION - The client completes the Employee Information Request Form.
3. ACCOUNT AND PROFILE - The GX Client Services team creates the client account and employee profile in GoCo.
4. INTRODUCTION - The GX Client Services team contacts the new employee by phone and email and introduces GX's PEO services.
5. GX1 ACCESS GRANTED - The new employee accesses the GoCo platform, completes personal information, and uploads the required documentation.
6. DRAFT CONTRACTS PREPARED - GX prepares the drafts of the employment contracts for the new employee.
7. CONTRACT REVIEW - The drafts of the employment contracts are issued and reviewed by GX and the client.
8. CONTRACTS APPROVED - Once the contracts are approved, they will be issued to the employee on GX1 for review and signature.
9. STORED SIGNED CONTRACTS - Signed employment contracts are shared with the clients and stored in GoCo.
10. DOCUMENTS RELEASED - Local Annex and Schedule are prepared by GX and released to the client for signature, then countersigned by GX.
11. COPIES ISSUED TO CLIENT - Fully signed copies of the Local Annex and Schedule are issued to the client.
12. PREP FOR START DATE - The GX Client Services team prepares for the employee's start date and first salary payments.


Employee Offboarding Process

3.1 Process

Employee offboarding is the process wherein the PEO employee finishes their employment in their country of work. The client will advise the GX team about employees that need to be offboarded.

Please see an overview of the offboarding process and steps below.

1. INFORMED OF OFFBOARDING - The client will advise GX about employees that need to be offboarded as well as their intended offboarding dates.
2. OFFBOARDING FORM - The GX Client Services team will issue the offboarding form to the client so that this can be completed and returned to the Client Services.
3. REVIEW FORM - The GX Client Services team will review the completed offboarding form.
4. PREP FOR LAST WORKING DAY - The local team in-country will start to finalize resignation or termination letters, and confirm notice periods, final employment dates, final salary, expenses, holiday accrual, severance pay, and any other legal or final statutory payments that need to be made to the employee on or before the last working day.


3.2 Roles and Responsibilities

The Client Services team will manage and coordinate the employee offboarding process to make sure that the offboarding is a smooth and seamless process both for the employee and client. The Client Services team will work closely with the client to provide the financial and contractual information required to finalize the employment, and to make sure that the employee can seamlessly transition either directly to the client's own employment or elsewhere.


Billing and Payments

4.1 Structure of Monthly Invoices

The Finance team will invoice the client monthly for the following elements:

Employee monthly gross base salary (plus any fixed allowances, car, medical, etc.).
Employer’s taxes in the working country.
Any variable bonus or commission payments as advised by the client (by the cut-off time specified in the payment calendar).
Business expenses approved by the client (by the cut-off times specified in the payment calendar).
Foreign Exchange (FX) if applicable.
GX monthly fees.


4.2 Payroll, Expenses and Variable

  • Monthly payroll consists of the fixed elements of the employees’ monthly payments, which don’t change month-to-month. These are typically basic salary and fixed monthly allowances, such as car allowance, medical allowance, or other fixed payments.
  • Expenses are typically accrued throughout the month by the employee and claimed back by the employee. The employee will need to keep original receipts for any business-related expenses incurred. The cut-off date for expense approval is the 25th of each month. The client will need to approve the employee’s monthly expenses on or before this date. Details of the expense system for both the employee and the client will be issued separately. Please note that the cut-off date for the approval of employee expenses may need to change from the 25th, due to local legislation in certain countries. GX will advise the client of any changes on a case-by-case basis, either monthly, quarterly, bi-annually, or annually. The cutoff for variable notification to GX is the 25th of each month.

4.3 Payment Calendar

  • The GX payment calendar is an overview of the invoicing and payment dates, to outline the flow of funds between the client, GX, local teams in-country, and the employee.
  • The payment calendar outlines the cut-off dates for variable payments, cutoff for expenses approval, GX invoicing dates to the client, client payment dates to GX, GX payment dates to the local in-country team, and payment dates to the employee.

4.4 Payment

As outlined in the payment calendar, GX requires invoices to be paid within 10 working days after receipt from GX, to allow for the flow of funds to reach the employee in their working country in time for salary payment at month-end.

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Deposit Process

5.1 Process

GX requires a deposit for each new PEO employee that is onboarded. The deposit is held by GX and will be used if necessary to make sure that the employee’s monthly salary, expenses, or variable payments are always paid on time in line with local statutory laws in the country of work

AGREED UPON DEPOSIT - The deposit amounts agreed between the customer and GX will be outlined in the MSA and then detailed in the Schedule and signed between both parties.
GUARANTEE OF PAYMENT - In scenarios where there are delays in invoices being paid, or there are issues that prevent an invoice from being paid, the deposit will be used to guarantee that the employee will receive the salaries and monthly payments as stipulated in the employee's employment contract.
GX INVOICE - GX will invoice the client for the agreed upon deposit at the start of employment.
RETURN OF DEPOSIT - GX will return the deposit to the client at the end of employment, once final payments of salary, expenses, or bonuses have been paid to the employee.


5.2 Timescales

  • Deposits will be invoiced to the client by GX within five working days of the employee's start date.
  • Deposits will be returned to the client once the offboarding is completed and the final salary, expenses, or bonus payments have been made to the employee.
  • Deposits will be returned to the client within 14 working days of the final payment(s) being made.


Service Level Agreement Targets

6.1 Services Descriptions and Service Level Targets

Service Description Service Levels and Targets
Incoming client email 95% of all incoming emails responded to within 2 hours.
Incoming client telephone calls 95% of all incoming telephone calls answered by the GX team and the 1st response given to the client on the call.
Incoming client queries by email and telephone 95% of all incoming client questions and queries answered within 48 hours of receipt.
Employee onboarding Employee onboarding process completed within 3-7 working days. (Subject to client and employee information availability).
Employee offboarding Employee offboarding process completed within 3-7 working days (Subject to client and employee information availability).
Local Annex and Schedule contracts Prepared and issued to the customer for signature within 3 working days of the employee start date.
Deposit invoicing Agreed deposits to be invoiced to the customer within 5 working days of the employee start date.
Deposit return Agreed deposits will be returned to the customer within 14 workings days of the final pay run being made to the employee.
Salary and other fixed monthly invoicing As per the payment calendar, monthly fixed salary invoices will be issued to the client by 1st of each month for processing.
Variable commission or bonus invoicing and payment All variable payments to be communicated to GX by the 25th of each month for payment with the following month's salary.
Expenses invoicing All expenses to be approved by the client by the 25th of each month for payment with the following month's salary.
Escalation management If the service level targets identified in this section are exceeded or are predicted to be exceeded, the escalation process described in Chapter 7 Escalation of this Client Service Charter should be followed.



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Escalation Management

7.1 Description of an Escalation

Escalation concerns the transfer of ownership of an activity to a higher responsibility level when the agreed service levels are likely to be exceeded. An escalation will result in a higher level of management attention, thus ensuring that every effort is made to achieve the shortest possible resolution or outcome for the activity.

Additionally, the escalation procedure serves to inform both organizations about the scope of the issue escalated, its status, the progress made, the time needed to resolve it, and any corrective measures or actions that must be taken. The escalation procedure applies to all aspects of the Global Expansion service.

7.2 Procedure

If any of the service level targets outlined are exceeded or are predicted to be exceeded, please escalate this to the relevant management level  within the Global Expansion team.

After the resolution of an issue that has been escalated, either Global Expansion or the client may call an evaluation meeting involving both parties, to identify any lessons to be learned, the process and communication methods that may need to change, and how similar escalations can be avoided in the future.

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Associate Segment