The Latest Global Expansion and EOR News and Advice

Why Choose an Employer of Record (EOR)? | Key Benefits Explained

Written by Global Expansion | Jun 17, 2024 9:07:22 AM

Growing businesses aim to enter new markets and hire remote talent for smooth expansion, but it's not easy. To simplify this complex process, companies use an employer of record (EOR) service.

This comprehensive article explains what an employer of record service is, how it works, the usage, and benefits of an EOR, when to use an EOR, and key points to consider when selecting an EOR.

Read on to learn more about the same to ensure that your business thrives with diverse remote team management experience.

What is an Employer of Record (EOR) Service?

An employer of record is a third-party company that takes care of all the key responsibilities of hiring an employee for your business in a remote location, handles employment contracts, and ensures compliance with local labor and tax regulations.

EOR services help businesses expand beyond the boundaries of different nations and offer other services, including payroll management, taxes, and benefits for a remote workforce.

EOR services provide a cost-effective, one-stop solution for expanding their business operations into new international markets. EOR services help client companies free up their valuable resources and time to focus on their core business goals.

The key responsibilities of an EOR include the following services:

Legal Employer

An EOR manages key HR responsibilities and oversees the dispersed workforce. At the same time, the client company takes care of the core business operations to control other day-to-day operations.

This enables businesses to legally hire employees in other countries by taking care of payroll, onboarding, and managing international contractors without becoming entangled in the complexities of distinct labor laws and regulations.

Compliance with Local Employment Laws

An EOR ensures compliance with the local employment and tax laws. It includes managing payroll, taxes, and benefits administration. The hiring, firing, and other responsibilities have to follow the local regulations to reduce the risk of any hefty sum of fines or lawsuits against the client company.

Employment Contracts

An EOR takes care of the employment contracts with the employees to ensure adherence to local regulations and proper documentation. It allows companies to ensure compliance with local labor laws and a streamlined onboarding process for the client company.

Functions of  EOR Services 

An EOR service comprises a multitude of core business functions and responsibilities on behalf of client companies, including:

Human Resource Administration

An employer or service provider supports onboarding new hires and facilitates smooth operations for departing employees. They ensure accurate and updated employee records, such as personal information, job history, and performance assessments.

Payroll Services

An EOR provider promptly calculates salaries, bonuses, and commissions while overseeing tax upholding, filing, and reporting to stay compliant with local standards. They also take care of the payroll deductions, reimbursements, and bonuses based on the policies and regulatory requirements of the client companies.

Compliance Management

An EOR service provider keeps updated with the changes in laws about employment across the globe and stays compliant. They assess and address legal liability, regulatory fines, and worker misclassification.

Risk Management and Insurance

An EOR service provider handles risk management strategies by providing insurance coverage to safeguard client companies from liabilities related to worker injuries and legal issues. They assess and mitigate potential risks to ensure financial stability and business continuity.

Employee Issue Resolution

An EOR service provider offers help with the resolution of employees’ issues, conflict resolution, and other grievances. They help workers and managers foster a positive environment and address concerns to ensure a harmonious environment.

Benefits of Employer of Record Services

The employment of record service offers several benefits to businesses seeking compliant, efficient, and scalable workforce management solutions. It includes the following benefits, including:

Flawless HR Administration

An EOR service assists companies with time-consuming and monotonous HR tasks such as compliance management, benefits administration, and payroll processing. The EOR service allows companies to focus on the core businesses and handle their HR-related work.

Reduced Compliance Risks

EOR companies ensure compliance by staying up-to-date with local labor laws, regulations, and tax requirements. They reduce the risk of legal penalties, disputes, and hefty fines.

More Focus on Core Competencies

Outsourcing employer-related tasks to other EOR providers frees up key resources and personnel. This enables client companies to prioritize major marketing campaigns, service and product innovations, and development with strategic goals.

Access to a Global Talent Pool

EOR providers ensure easy access to a broad range of qualified professionals globally. They improve the hiring process and use retention strategies to maintain a competent workforce.

Flexible Operations

EOR providers assess the business needs and allow client companies to adapt swiftly to changing market needs and operational requirements.

Decreased Operating Costs

Another benefit of hiring an employer of record service is low overhead expenses by integrating HR operations and leveraging economies of scale.

Reduced Employment-Related Issues

EOR providers reduce employment-related risks, such as worker misclassification, employment disagreements, and regulatory noncompliance, with the help of professional support and advice to manage complicated legal challenges.

Extensive Expansion Support

EOR companies assist client companies in planning and executing their expansion strategies to establish compliant structures, navigate local laws and tax regulations, and simplify employment arrangements, including visa sponsorships, work permits, and global immigration compliance.

Elevated Employee Experiences

EOR companies assist client companies with timely and accurate payroll processing, providing responsive HR support, grievance redressal, and other crucial support for employee satisfaction. This fosters elevated employee experiences with more engagement and retention.

How to Select an Employer of Record Partner

An efficient employer of record partner can help you streamline your entire global payroll process. Therefore, it is essential to consider some key points to make an informed choice, including:

Global Coverage

Consider hiring an EOR provider who has deep expertise and understanding of the markets you want to enter into. It is essential to work with an experienced partner to save money and time and stay compliant with the local labor and tax laws to avoid any potential penalties.

Accurate Employer Cost Calculations: 

It is important to hire an employment record provider who is updated and accurate about employer costs. An employer should consider other social contributions into accounts, such as social security, paid time off, etc., while calculating payroll costs.


Hire a payroll partner who has transparent pricing with no hidden or surprise charges that make it easy to stay within your dispersed workforce budget.

Responsiveness and Support

Choose a partner who is quick to respond to your and your team’s queries. The employment of record service needs to stay in regular touch with the dispersed workforce and new talent on your behalf. Therefore, hire an employer of record provider who is quick to respond, accommodates local time zones and languages, and onboards new hires.

Independent Third-party Validation

Choose a partner that has been ranked top by third-party sources. Review the customer insights and reviews to ensure that you verify the EOR partner that offers the best solutions for growing and supporting your global workforce.

Service-level Agreements (SLAs)

Read the service level agreements carefully to make an informed decision about your EOR payroll partner. It helps you comprehend the service expectations, roles and responsibilities, and expectations. Scrutinize key performance indicators (KPIs) such as issue resolution time, response time, and support quality to ensure seamless integration. 

Choose an EOR with comprehensive SLAs to ensure accountability and a fruitful and lasting client-provider partnership.

Technology and Integration Capabilities

The technological capabilities of an employer of record service providers are essential. Go through the data management systems, benefits, and payroll systems. 

Ask about HR integration, reliability, scalability, and automation usage to ensure seamless integration with your existing systems and efficient workforce management. 

When Should I Use an EOR?

Examine the below-mentioned reasons to find out the best time to use EOR services to ensure optimum outcomes for your business, including:

Complex Risk Mitigation

Leveraging third-party expertise is essential to mitigating compliance risks. So, if you are planning to enter unfamiliar new international markets and are not well-versed with the legal labor and tax laws of the jurisdiction, connect with an efficient global EOR partner to navigate the complexities of employment regulations. 

Global Expansion Goals

If you have global expansion plans and are willing to establish your global presence in new international markets without needing help from legal companies and HR infrastructure, hire an EOR service. It can ensure you have easy entry into international markets with the help of expert EOR services.

Limited HR Resources

If you are struggling with limited HR resources or expertise, engage with an EOR partner to handle HR operations, including global immigration, payroll, and compliance management. 

Remote or Distributed Workforce

If you are planning to streamline the administrative processes for a dispersed and remote workforce across the globe, hire an EOR partner. It can help you ensure compliance and support employees with support, grievance redressal, and a smooth onboarding process.

International Talent Recruitment

EOR services are the best fit when businesses plan to work with global talent across the globe to facilitate visa sponsorships, the immigration process, and work permits. This can ensure the devising of compliance-friendly policies and a smooth onboarding process for hiring international talent.

Flexible Workforce Management

Partner with an EOR firm to effectively scale your global operations, adapt to market changes and evolve labor and tax regulations across global countries to meet business needs. 

Compliance Concerns

If you don’t find support to mitigate the risk of potential compliance risks, partner with an employer of record service to ensure compliance-friendly services to stay safe against legal issues and heavy penalties.

Choose Global Expansion as your Employer of Record Partner

Planning to tap into a new market may bring a unique mix of challenges. As your global employer of record partner, Global Expansion ensures the best support for you and your distributed team. 

Hire Global Expansion as your employer of record partner to ensure unbeatable response time and meticulous support. We offer a full suite of global workforce solutions that handle all risk mitigation, local labor requirements, and compliance while you focus on growing your business.

Contact us to build your dream team with Global Expansion.